16 Aug 2020

Head of Security now herding Elephants

Security Practitioners are handling two new issues that none have managed before

– An active biological threat

– Crime and unrest related to the economic meltdown

Where to begin, what to do and how to do it!

Multiple Deadly Threats

The reality

Security Practitioners are overworked, under valued and under paid!

Security Practitioners are responsible for the life of a site be it a country, city, neighborhood, state department, a company and individuals.

They have to contend with cyber crime, insider threats, fraud, corruption, reputation damage, risk assessments, investigations, bullying, blackmail, extortion, the capture by transnational and local organized crime, gang crime, civil disobedience, desperate and volatile populations, emergency management, and now a pandemic with deadly outcomes, These are just a few issues mentioned above which points to the wide range of concerns that a practitioner may have to deal with. How do they manage to get through this all?

Living with an anxiety

  • of not knowing how to handle a pandemic and the population
  • not being able to identify new crime that in happening under their own nose
  • not knowing where to begin, what and how to do it
  • feeling inadequate
  • health status
  • financial insecurity

The Ostrich Syndrome

  • Passing the buck
  • Attention deflection by acquiring irrelevant information for the here and now or, towards future goals.

Compounding the fears

  • Bought equipment or tech recently to limit the collateral damage for temperature detection, masks and facial visors and to find out now that they are inferior, illegal and banned (e.g.a medical device banned by Australia).
  • Furthermore, technologies are entering the market, e.g.,AI stating they have the solution, however, for some solutions that are being promoted to manage cv-19 is fictitious for numerous reasons. Some of these reasons is that the tech designer has no idea of the full nature of this beast and is basing their design partial data or are connecting to inferior, illegal and are banned.
  • Perhaps security staff are compromising the site with infections and suffering reputation damage besides businesses having to shut their doors for days or forever

Time running out to correct the issues

  • No time to get trusted information quickly
  • Not knowing where to get the information that is relative
  • Not knowing who to call or not wanting to call others because of the fear of feeling inadequate and being disrespected by others

Skills used before may not be relevant now

Previously crime investigators were used but crime investigators are only called in after the fact. Security/criminology investigators are also summoned after the fact but they need to do more. They need to identify issues that are unknown. The biggest nightmare is not knowing what is truly happening on the ground. Furthermore, there are distinct motivations now in the environment that will break the moral code of trusted personnel where increased due diligence, oversight and governance is required.

Where do you get help

  • We cannot speak for all countries, but, as far as we know – Cannot get help from security education regulators because they themselves have not issued security protocols for current threats in theater
  • View a method of presentation to use for obtaining participation by the Head of Institute, or Company, Financial Department and HR. Also get Security Protocols that are relevant for now from ISIO/HIM

The Solution


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It is what you get to know now and who you get to know

1. Know the nature of the beast within a few hours

2. Know where to layer and position specific skilled manpower

3. Know how to check the validity of the equipment and tech. Do not believe everything you see and hear – even if they are successful in other fields. Opportunists are in theater!

4. Most importantly – be relevant and goal directed in the information obtained now and not overloaded with irrelevant information

5. Mix with like-minded Practitioners

ISIO | International Security Industry Organization