26 May 2022

#MonkeyPox Impacting Security Industry

People that were inoculated with smallpox should be fine. Furthermore, there are already tried and tested vaccines so the world does not have to wait as it did with covid19.
#However, the #monkeypox virus is transmitted through mucous. It can enter through the broken skin, eyes, mouth and the nose. #FeverDetection and #PoxedSkinDetection may be necessary as explained below.

Apparently and putting it over as comprehend, monkey pox is not an air-born virus and more like hiv/aids because it is transmissible from human to human through bodily fluids. It seems that only prolonged face to face contact could droplets/blood transmit through the eyes, and mouth besides obviously sexual intercourse.

Therefore, the security practitioners must not get into physical confrontations with people that have ‘poxed skin or a fever” unless they have the appropriate PPE.

The security practitioners should also advise the necessary people that the PPE required for staff that change the bedding because the body fluids of an infected person is infecting. Furthermore, if a person is sleeping or has slept with an infected person then they should quarantine for 21 days.

‘This means that the security industry must budget for increased sick leave, upskilling key people and for temporary staff because people may not die. However people will get sick or be placed in quarantine for days on end with monkey pox as well as some of covid variants.

What we learnt from Covid….
Security practitioners are the ones on the ground that take temperature, manage the flow and behaviour of people.

A person could be sick with anything and not necessary be covid19 or monkey pox but, the security front-liners must use BTS protocols because of their job-actions. Therefore, SOME of the Biological Threat Security Protocols should be applied.

Currently the WHO on the 20/05/22 reported outbreaks in 11 countries with 80 infected (28th05 16 countries reported). Subsequently, monitor the media in your location. If the authorities upgrade the level of concern then activate the appropriate biological threat security protocols.

For more on MonkeyPox go to WHO at https://lnkd.in/dMkDtMjm and for BTS go to https://lnkd.in/d8KnbAB