Bridging Criminology, Security and Risk Management with Investigation
Integrating Criminology, Security and Risk with Investigation
Going into the next decade, ISIO has now re-designed the mission and objectives to be in-line with current challenges and issues that have impacted the world greatly in the past 5 years. This has called now for a stronger integration of criminology and risk management with the security sector. One cannot find or fight crime and limit or mitigate collateral damage if one has no idea that it exists or until such time that horrendous damage is done and lives are lost which is exposed on the media channels.
Addressing new Challenges
There is the legitimate economy and the illegitimate economy. As people go to their daily jobs or entrepreneurs making their debuts with unique concepts, so do criminals, organized crime and militants begin their days with many working through the nights applying their tools of their trade. They live in a constant state of thought by trying to out-think others or plan missions using unique methods to not get caught or horrendous damage to others.
Security and Investigations
ISIO HIM runs Virtual and Workshops in person. In this way, we discuss issues on the ground and provide practitioners a tool for investigation. The tool is used to identify a person-of-interest using lie, deception detection and critical situational interviewing. Then follow the information chain to discover if they are working in concert with others either voluntarily or under duress.
ISIO addresses current challenges but focuses on what others are unaware of, and is in a constant state of awareness and focused on uncovering new crime or discovering evolving copycat crime.
Objective: Providing Information and Intelligence
The Professional Practitioner depends on intelligence, therefore, ISIO has installed an Intelligence Bank which contains suggested guidance articles to gather reliable and all-the-information. Furthermore, ISIO endorses professional development of unique and specific skills that are required for this moment in time as we are living in a fast changing and evolving world of crime and terror.
Managing Risk
Security success depends on the level of situational awareness of the decision-makers on the ground and reaction speed.