Threat Alert Status – Substantial
#HighProbabilityOfTerrorThreat is termed #SubstantialThreat The UK has raised the threat level besides other countries that raised their terror threat level over the past 3 months.
New threats are raising eyebrows in certain countries over the past week which can compound issues worldwide.
We all know that – what happens in one country will impact worldwide within days and hours that could even roll out within minutes especially if a preplanned attack is in theatre.
Furthermore, specific threats could be related to specific sectors or targeted populations by goal-directed actors.
Threat detection and Emergency Management-
When a country activates the ‘substantial threat level’ then it is advised for security practitioners to exercise their drill procedures.
Security briefings need to inform and educate the security detail on where, what, who and why is of concern so that all know what specifics should be focused on.
Be careful of Professional Bias-
When no one knows that to look for – then they invite collateral damage. There are two attributes to address in the security briefings that should be considered when the decision-makers know that security success depends on the Critical Thinking Ability of the team besides their level of awareness.
Without bias – DO CHECK THE TERROR THREAT LEVEL IN YOUR COUNTRY NOW – TODAY… besides do view the security briefings at Critical Thinking Security Briefings – HIM Human Investigation Management
#ISIO #ThreatStatus