Impact on security practitioners on the ground.
Security plans or the worst as it should. Heads of Security should have action plans to mitigate various threat levels. This may involve adding physical equipment, technologies or skilling up the team with relative knowledge. #ItsAboutTime
We are now in a moment in time whereas regional issues impact world-wide within minutes because the threat in theatre is live and moving the masses towards various directions. #TheReligousWar
The questions placed in the banner should be thought upon and depending on the field of interest certain actions steps need to be planned for actioning at short notice. This dictates that budgets should be set and stock checked to ensure deliveries of whatever is required.
The team needs to think in concert with the right attitude taking certain knowledge into account. Basically, it is an intelligent manager that knows that they need knowledge and skills to ensure that their team understands the intelligence and what to do besides when it must be done. #CounterTerror
Security success will depend on the thinking ability of the team and their level of situational awareness. View the easiest and most effective security briefings at Critical Thinking Security Briefings – HIM Human Investigation Management