Equipment to

Counter Terror 

Mob attacks and theft on Stores

Any equipment or products that are used to mitigate current threats or specific threats

For practitioners involved in one or more of the following

Research is based upon

Using equipment to counter threats

Global threats such as biothreats, wars and internal strife relating to migration delivers new forms of criminal methods besides increasing existing habitual crime levels.

In some countries active assailants could be using knives as their preferred weapons or suicide bombs besides any form of vehicle for their mission.

The mob attacks on malls and stores seem to be a new method that is growing in size.

We have no idea of what the next threat in theatre would be and that will impact with life impacting or deadly incidents besides impact the price to live.

ISIO will approve equipment to counter threats

  • Counter Stabbing Vests

  • Methods to mitigate vehicles attempting to kill pedestrians

  • Explosive detection

  • Metal Detection

  • X-ray Equipment

  • Equipment used to support loss prevention


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